Zaion Academy Formation à l'intelligence artificielle

Construisez la meilleure équipe pour une relation client boostée à l’IA conversationnelle !

Time to talk

Zaion's project was born out of an observation: in the omnichannel era, the telephone remains the most used and preferred channel for customers and users. We are convinced that the transformation of Customer Relations lies in the development of voice, which combines immediacy, efficiency and trust.

Pour cela, nous avons conçu une technologie innovante de callbots intelligents qui analysent et retiennent les moments clés d’une conversation. Nous utilisons l’intelligence artificielle pour créer des conversations fluides, en langage naturel : nous remettons ainsi la voix au cœur de l’expérience client.

La Relation Client , ce concept qui nous anime

Fondée en septembre 2017 par des experts de la Relation Clients, Zaion fait de l’Expérience Client son cœur de métier. Notre offre est construite sur les fondamentaux de la Relation Client : disponibilité, instantanéité, et personnalisation sont aujourd’hui les incontournables d’une Expérience Client réussie.

Our ambition is to meet these vital business challenges by providing an ever more efficient service. The Zaion team is made up of customer relations professionals who will put their technical and operational expertise to work on your projects.

Our response to the challenges of theCustomer Experience

Technological change and the digitization of customer journeys mean that the Customer Experience is constantly evolving: a complete, personalized response is expected for every customer.

Our autonomous and instantaneous technology has enabled us to develop callbots and chatbots with no preconceived answers, thanks to artificial intelligence. In response to these challenges, Zaion's platform is multilingual and targets an international audience.

And you, have you
a callbot project?


Automation of repetitive tasks


Lower operating costs

+20 pts

Service quality

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