Voice Analytics

Automatically analyze your
conversations to boost your advisors' performance and detect opportunities
thanks to Zaion Generative AI.

Zaion Generative AI
conversation analysis

Voice Analytics is a unique solution powered by Zaion Generative AI, enabling you to extract the full richness of your conversations to improve the customer experience, optimize your business processes and make informed strategic decisions.

Voice Intelligence

A complete suite of tools powered by Zaion's generative AI
to transcribe and extract all useful information from conversations.

Transcription & Diarization

Precise transcription with dedicated Zaion ASRs, punctuation and speaker separation.

Voice Activity Detection

Analysis of vocal activity: detection of silences, turns of speech, overlaps, etc.

Entity & Intent Detection

Detection of entities and intentions thanks to Advanced NLU Zaion, fine-tuned to the customer relations sector and customizable with your business dictionaries.

Multimodal Emotion Detection

Fine detection of emotions in speech and text.

Speaker Profiler

Detection of the caller's biological sex and age in the voice signal.

PII Redaction

Automatic identification and deletion of personal and sensitive data classes in transcription text and audio.

Our business modules
to meet your needs

Quality Monitoring

Control the quality of 100% of your
conversations and boost your consultants' performance.

Quality Monitoring

- Creation and configuration of listening grids
- Pre-filling of grids by AI (AutoQM)
- Performance monitoring by agent/team
- Automatic alerts in the event of non-compliance

Customer Insights

Detect weak signals
and transform customer data into business opportunities.

Customer Insights

- Custom filters and tags (intentions, keywords)
- Detection of hot topics, trends and irritants
- Alert reports and custom notifications
- Graphical visualization and word clouds

Smart Coaching

Accompany your consultants as they progress
and offer them contextualized virtual coaching.

Smart Coaching

Individual performance tracking
- Automatic personalized recommendations
- AI-generated call simulations


Automate your call summaries
and free your consultants from After-Call Work (ACW).


-Immediate preview of post-call summary
- Free text or structured format
- Can be modified by the advisor
- Integration with CRM

Benefits of
Voice Analytics

Optimizing operational efficiency

Automate agent performance evaluation, reduce your operating costs and gain total visibility of your service quality:
- Reduce LTA by up to 20%
- Identify areas for improvement and optimize business processes
- Implement targeted training based on objective evaluations 

Improving the customer experience

Stay in touch with your customers and offer them a personalized, engaging experience:
- Correct recurring problems and irritants generating negative feelings

- Improve service quality through shared best practices and coaching
- Detect trends for proactive decision-making  

Generate customer data and insights

Capture all the signals and transform the data from your customer interactions into strategic knowledge for your company:
- Generateinsights into customer preferences and behaviors
- Identify opportunities to innovate or improve products and services
- Make informed decisions based on large volumes of data

Data protection guaranteed

The Voice Analytics solution is designed to meet the most demanding enterprise requirements: scalable, secure and high-performance.
An independent solution with 100% proprietary technologies, and sovereignty when it comes to protecting your data.