Sucess stories

Find out why the Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers (MNH) chose Callbot Zaion's solution to automate part of its business.

Digitalization is at the heart of the Europ Assistance Group's strategy. Based on the observation that when a customer needs

Discover Lisa, the first gas control callbot deployed by Zaion for Butagaz! Butagaz collaborates with Zaion Découvrez pourquoi DIAC a choisi Zaion pour mieux gérer ses pics d’appels et répondre aux questions fréquentes des clients

LFE has set up 3 Callbots to reduce the cost of handling low value-added calls.

How does Gwen, the AI-powered Generation Virtual Assistant, work? How does Gwen, the AI-powered Generation Virtual Assistant, work? Gwen

Hauts-de-Seine Habitat sets up its solidarity line during the lockdown thanks to Callbot Like many others, Hauts-de-Seine Habitat has had to Comment Ma French Bank a augmenté la satisfaction de ses utilisateurs grâce à son service client ? Ma French